WW7's Head of Production Kat Garelli’s “I’m Lovin’ It” Moments
May 3, 2024“Kat Garelli is the head of production at LA-based production company World War Seven. As HOP, she supervises all aspects of physical production for WW7’s diverse and talented roster and world-class clientele, ensuring projects are executed on time and on budget. Previously an executive producer at ArtClass, Kat’s experience on both the sales and production sides of the industry positions her as a next-generation hybrid industry leader and general force to be reckoned with.
A New Jersey native, Kat grew up washing dishes and waiting tables at her family’s diner, which gave her calloused hands, a voracious thirst for new experiences, and an unmatched work ethic. When she’s not deep in the lines of a bid, she’s practicing to become the next big industrial house DJ.
LBB> The ad/music video from my childhood that stays with me…
Kat> Ever since YouTube became a thing (before it had the ads we make before videos) I’ve been obsessed with memes, so my young, impressionable brain exploded when Weezer brought all the best ones together for the “Pork and Beans” video. It was like a fever dream where all my favorite characters from different franchises were together in one movie, but also Rivers Cuomo was there for some reason.”
Featured in Little Black Book’s “The Work That Made Me.”